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Saya @sayahbfa

Age 31, Female

High School Student

Montana, USA

Joined on 12/24/09

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My great grandmother's funeral and the rest of my day.

Posted by sayahbfa - June 27th, 2010

Okay. I woke up at 8:45am today - which is super early for me now that summer's here. I had to get on my formal clothes and head down to a church for my great grandma Willie's funeral.

It was the saddest thing I've ever been to. (It was my first funeral...) Though the actual religious stuff was very uncomfortable. ^^; I'm not really into that stuff but I joined in anyway to pay my respects. It was so heartbreaking to see all of Willie's kids walking down the middle aisle and JC carrying Willie's ashes. That's when I started crying...I usually hate crying in public - I try to avoid it whenever possible. But hey, it's a funeral - it's supposed to be sad.

There's actually something pretty funny. The program with the songs and information on it had a typo. "Wilburta Mary (Willie) Campbell January 21, 1925 - June 21, 1925" So...she was only 6 months old? xD They even got her birthday wrong. But oh well, it made people laugh. ^^ And that's what Nan probably wanted. Just for us to be happy.

Although it really pissed me off that Patty was there. (She's one of Willie's daughters. She made Nan's life MISERABLE.) I swear she didn't cry ONE single tear! That cold hearted bitch is probably happy Nan's gone. >_<# I wanna squirt her with a water gun filled with battery acid! *siiiiigh* But I was the bigger person and was civil around her. I caught her glaring at me once though. >.> (I shouted at her about being a selfish bitch once.)

Well, the good thing was that I got to see several of my cousins, aunts, uncles, family friends, and plain ol' people I've never even met. There's also a boy that's had a crush on me since our childhood. I hugged him and he wouldn't let go. XD It was cute but...I'm really not into younger boys - plus I'm already spoken for. ^^; I hung out with him though.

After the funeral my aunt and uncle took me and my two younger cousins to Toy Story 3 - which I have to say was a good movie. But unfortunately there was a little brat that would NOT shut up that sat next to me. >_<# I politely asked his mother to keep him quiet but the kid wouldn't listen. -_- I would've moved seats but it was really full.

ALSO! I'm in an advertisement!!! It's for my TaeKwonDo school. I was really excited. :3 *clears throat*

Then after the movie we went to Cold Stone Creamery. I got this BIG thing of ice cream. It was delicioussss~ I had to shove the rest in my freezer though. >.< I got too much. lol. My cousin also sat RIGHT into a puddle of chocolate ice cream. XD And it was on her brand new dress. LOL. I love laughing at childrens' pain sometimes.

So, it was really sad in the beginning, but it got much better. I have an urn with Nan's ashes in it in my room. It's kinda creepy, but I like it. ^_^

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Sorry for your loss...

Thank you...but it's better that she passed on. She was in a lot of pain. Conjestive heart failure, rotten teeth, a daughter who hated her, diabetes, shut down liver and kidney...yeah. The list goes on.

Hopefully she's doing well now. ^_^- I bet she's eating the most delicious ice cream somewhere...;_;

Yeah my great grandmother and her younger sister died a few months apart recently... you should be glad your great grandmother lived this long... many other kids don't even know their great grandparents...

Oh, how sad. And yes, I'm very glad I know my great grandparents. I'm truly lucky. ^^

Sorry about the loss of your great grandmother. Thankfully she lived a long life an is survived by loving family members.

I'm not sure about this "Patty" character, how bad of a person she really is or if she actually mourns the death of her mother. But just because she did not cry doesnt mean she's not sad on the inside. Everybody expresses emotions differently, some may disguise how they feel with false emotions and some people become numb. Nobody forced her to attend the funeral I assume, so she probably atleast has a little bit of remorse inside her. You should approach her differently than you normally would, settle your differences for the time being and try to comfort her. She may "break", apologize for her past, and ultimately be more at peace with herself and the rest of the family. It's worth a shot atleast. But of course I don't this lady so it's not my judgment to make :P

Oh trust me. Patty is a HUGE transparent faker. She actually did throw a huge episode. Everyone knew it was fake. I just didn't add that to my entry. It was long enough already. XD But yeah, she thinks she's too good for everyone else. She's just that kind of person.

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